Technical solutions to solve global warming exist. Here's a brief summary:

To produce the energy we need, renewable energy sources are more and more developed: solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal... Their cost will soon be similar to the cost of coal:

Theoretically, we can therefore produce enough energy without using fossil or nuclear energy. However there are some important technical challenges to solve to use this energy in everyday life.

How can we shift to 100% renewable energy?

Abandoning fossil energy by 2100 as the United Nations recommends, means converting all our energy producing infrastructures, transport, heating and industries, so that they run not on fossil energy, but with renewable energy
For example :
  • the motor car is replaced by an electrical car
  • the water heater uses solar heating installed on the roof
  • the fuel oil heating is replaced by a geothermal or remote heating infrastructure (for instance from waste products) - and buildings are so well insulated that it needs almost no energy to heat them
  • the coal electrical generator is replaced a solar power station
  • the pipeline is replaced by a high voltage line
  • for short distances, the airplane is replaced by a high-speed train
  • for long distances, airplanes use biofuels (electrical batteries are too heavy to fly)
  • ... etc.

All these changes will require large investments... For this, we should encourage private and institutional investors (pension funds for instance) to sell their shares in fossil energy and invest in renewable energy.

With money, goodwill and some extra energy savings as well, nothing is impossible...

But : to carry through such a fundamental paradigm shift, we need a strong political will, for it requires changes in our economy and a commitment from all levels of society.

We hope our members will add their voice to those of other groups in all countries...
Le temps, 20.10.2014

How can we generate enough energy?

Association Climat Genève